We help entrepreneurs create more capacity in their day-to-day so they can focus on what truly matters.


We help solopreneurs and small business owners build their dream business by mastering the art of working "ON" their business rather than always "IN" it.

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

It's really that simple. Yet simple is often not easy.

Making a decision sets your course, committing to it demands consistent effort and success follows as the reward for perseverance through challenges and obstacles.

Is This You?

  • Quality Crusader: You're passionate about delivering top-notch services, not just meeting the mark but exceeding it.

  • Desire Positive Impact: The services you provide aren't just transactions; they aim to positively impact your customers' lives.

  • Hard Worker: You believe in the power of hard work, but you're realizing you need to work smarter, not just harder. Because there are only so many hours in a day, right?

  • Beyond the Call: Whether it's perfectionism, selflessly serving others, you're known for going the extra mile.

  • Family First: At the heart of it all, your family is your why – driving you to succeed, not just in business but in life.

Certain things are keeping you up at night.

  • You have an endless to-do-list.

  • Finding the time to make those big dreams a reality is unclear.

  • Quality family time and personal time is getting the short end of the stick.

  • The mountain of work makes keeping your high standards a challenge.

  • Your head's buzzing with ideas and growth plans, but the daily demands keep pushing them back.

Committed to Quality and Impact

You always strive for excellence and delivering real value. But you also know balance is key - when to push hard and when to step back.

Yet you may need some help with this!

Your Vision Drives You

You want to be a true business owner, building a business that’s sustainable, scalable, and doesn’t need your constant involvement.

That’s what we call a dream business.

What You're Striving For

  • Focusing more on strategy

  • Delegating tasks effectively

  • Creating systems that allow your business to run smoothly

  • Achieving the personal freedom you deserve

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place!

Every Dream Business Needs a Foundation

Key components are essential to long-term success. Smart strategies bring these together, helping you stay focused and driving lasting results... so you can reclaim your time and energy by working smarter, not harder.

"Success in business requires training, discipline, and a good coach."
Bob Proctor

What Is A DREAM Business?

We talk a lot about a "Dream Business" here at Bloomdocking but what is it? It's centered around three pillars which we feel are crucial to any business. Implement and nourish these three pillars and owning a dream business becomes a reality.

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understaning of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught mew invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs get what they want from their business and... life!

As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe anything is possible and nothing is off the table.. No dream is too big or too crazy. The key question that I always ask myself and my clients is - "How CAN you make it happen?" Let's embark on this journey together to gain the freedom you desire!

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught me invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs create their dream businesses. As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe in the power of bold, aligned decisions and the magic of tapping into one's fullest potential. My approach is all about simplifying complex challenges and identifying patterns that foster growth. Let's embark on this journey together to transform and elevate your business.

Bloomdocking Services

How We Can Help.

SmartShift Starter Pack

Overwhelmed Achiever: Swamped with work but stuck on growth? Let's pivot to working smarter, not harder, and unlock your true potential.

SmartShift Max

Decisive Dreamer: Burdened by too many decisions? We'll cut through the confusion, moving you from paralysis to progress.

Next-Level Accelerator

Visionary Stuck in Place: Clear vision but hitting barriers? Together, we'll break through what's holding you back and turn vision into action.

Free Resources

Start Making Changes Today

Open Up Time: A Guide to Creating More

White Space On Your Daily Calendar

Your go-to guide for reclaiming your precious time as a busy entrepreneur. In this guide, we'll walk you through simple yet effective steps to create more "white space" - open time on your calendar - and regain control over your schedule.

Idea Prioritization Matrix: Simplify and Succeed

Designed for multitasking entrepreneurs, this essential tool cuts through the chaos, helping you pinpoint the high-impact tasks that truly drive business growth, and sidestep the distractions that don't.

Business Strategies, Insights, and Advice

man thinking at a desk

The Real Cost of Not Making a Decision

March 04, 20246 min read

The more time spent deliberating on a decision will naturally lead to a better outcome. 


Not true.

The truth is more like this… 

In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, where every second counts, the act of making decisions is as vital as the air we breathe. Yet, there's an invisible, often overlooked aspect that lurks in the shadows of our busy lives—the real cost of not making a decision. It's a silent growth inhibitor, a stealthy dream stealer, and for those driven by a deep commitment to family and the aspiration to deliver exceptional services, understanding this cost is crucial.

What is the Cost of Indecision?

At its core, the cost of indecision is the sum of lost opportunities, stunted growth, and the gradual erosion of potential. It's the unseen price tag attached to every moment we spend in the limbo of uncertainty. For small business owners and solopreneurs, who operate in environments where resources are precious and margins are tight, indecision can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving.

Why does this matter? Because in the fast-paced world of business, time is not just money—it's potential. Potential for growth, for innovation, and for creating experiences that resonate deeply with our customers. When we delay or avoid decisions, we're not just putting off a single choice; we're stalling the entire momentum of our business.

The Ripple Effects of Indecision

  • Lost Opportunities: Every moment spent in indecision is a moment where competitors move forward, where market needs evolve, and where customer loyalty can wane. The opportunity cost of indecision often outweighs the risk of making a wrong decision.

Example: Sarah owns a boutique fitness studio and has been considering offering virtual classes to adapt to changing customer preferences. However, her hesitation, rooted in doubts about the technical setup and whether her clientele will embrace online offerings, means she's missing out. Meanwhile, competitors have quickly implemented virtual classes, capturing not only their existing client base but also reaching new customers looking for at-home workout options. Sarah's indecision has led to a tangible loss in expanding her business reach and revenue.

  • Stunted Growth: Businesses thrive on action and adaptation. Indecision freezes both, leading to a status quo that can quickly become outdated. In a world that values innovation, standing still is falling behind.

Example: Mark runs a software development company and has been contemplating whether to invest in a new project management tool to streamline operations. His reluctance stems from concerns over the cost and the time required to train his team on the new system. As a result, his business continues to operate with inefficient processes, causing delays and frustration among his team and clients. This indecision not only hampers the company's ability to scale but also risks its reputation for delivering timely and efficient solutions.

  • Eroded Confidence: Not making a decision can erode your own confidence and the confidence of your team. It sends a message of uncertainty and can undermine your leadership and the trust your customers place in your business.

Example: Emily is the owner of a small marketing agency and has been indecisive about hiring more staff to manage her growing workload. Her hesitation is due to fears of increased operational costs and whether the business's revenue can sustain additional employees. This prolonged indecision begins to affect her team, who feel overworked and uncertain about the agency's direction. It also impacts Emily's confidence as a leader, as she struggles to make a decision that could ultimately enhance her business's capacity and improve team morale.

How to Get Started Overcoming Indecision

  • Embrace a Decision-Making Framework: Simplify the process by adopting a clear framework for making decisions. Whether it's a cost-benefit analysis, or using the Bloomdocking’s Idea Prioritization Matrix, find a method that resonates with you and stick to it.

Example: Let's take the example of implementing a basic email marketing strategy for a local bakery owned by Emma. After using the Idea Prioritization Matrix, Emma realizes that starting to collect email addresses from her customers to send out weekly specials, baking tips, and new product announcements is a clear "Do Now" action because:

  • High Value: This strategy can significantly boost repeat business by reminding customers of the bakery's offerings and fostering a sense of community.

  • Low Effort: With numerous user-friendly email marketing platforms available, Emma can easily set up this initiative. She can start by asking customers to sign up during checkout or through a simple sign-up form on her bakery's counter.

This decision is a no-brainer because it requires minimal investment and effort while offering a high potential return in terms of customer engagement and increased sales.

  • Seek Input, Not Permission: Engage your team, mentors, or peers for their insights, but remember, the decision is yours to make. Gathering diverse perspectives can illuminate different facets of the decision at hand but beware of falling into the trap of decision-by-committee.

Example: Lisa, a cafe owner, is considering expanding her menu but is unsure about which items will be well-received. She decides to engage her staff and regular customers for their input, hosting a tasting event to gather feedback on potential new dishes. This approach provides her with a wealth of perspectives, helping her make a more informed decision. By seeking input rather than permission, Lisa maintains control of the final decision, ensuring it aligns with her vision for the cafe.

  • Learn from Every Outcome: View each decision as an opportunity to learn, regardless of the outcome. This mindset shift can reduce the fear associated with potential failure and can make it easier to make decisions in the future.

Example: Tom, a freelance web developer, decided to experiment with a new billing software to improve his invoicing process. The software didn't meet his expectations, leading to some initial setbacks. Instead of viewing this as a failure, Tom sees it as a valuable learning experience, gaining insights into what features are most important for his business needs. This attitude helps him approach future decisions with confidence, knowing that each outcome offers a chance to learn and improve.

  • Set a 'Decision Deadline': Give yourself a realistic timeline to make a decision. This creates a sense of urgency and can help break the cycle of perpetual deliberation.

Example: Alicia, who owns a boutique marketing firm, has been considering whether to invest in a new office space. To avoid prolonged deliberation, she sets a decision deadline for herself, giving her two weeks to research, weigh the pros and cons, and consult with her financial advisor. This deadline motivates her to actively seek the information she needs and make a timely decision, preventing the stagnation that can come from indefinite pondering.

  • Start Small: Build your decision-making muscle by starting with smaller, less critical decisions. As you grow more comfortable and confident in your ability to decide, you'll find it easier to tackle larger issues.

Example: Derek, a professional photographer, wants to enhance his business but feels overwhelmed by the number of decisions he faces, from marketing strategies to equipment upgrades. He decides to start small, choosing to first decide on upgrading his editing software—a relatively low-stakes decision. This small victory boosts his confidence in making decisions and sets a foundation for tackling more significant choices in the future, demonstrating that starting small can lead to big wins in decision-making proficiency.

The one thing ⬇️

The real cost of not making a decision is far greater than the risk of making a wrong one. It's a cost measured in lost opportunities, stunted growth, and the erosion of potential. For those committed to excellence, understanding and confronting this cost is not just a strategy—it's a necessity. Embrace decision-making as a pathway to learning, confidently turning every decision into a step forward toward realizing your vision.

tipsadviceleadershipdecision making
Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

Oie Dobier

Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

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Imagine having a speaker who brings a mix of real-life business knowledge, a big dash of inspiration, and a whole lot of practical strategies to your next event.

That's me!

With over 25 years speaking in corporate settings and inspiring future entrepreneurs, I know a thing or two about connecting to and engaging a crowd.

My talks?

They're not just speeches - they're like sitting down with a good friend who's been there and done it. Someone who is excited to share all the insider tips, mindset modifiers, and business strategies needed to grow as a person and as a business owner.

Whether you're a pro in the biz world or just starting out, I promise to make our time together not only memorable but also packed with insights you can actually use. So, ready to spice up your event? Let's chat!

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