We help solopreneurs and small business owners build their dream business by mastering the art of working "ON" their business rather than always "IN" it.


We help solopreneurs and small business owners build their dream business by mastering the art of working "ON" their business rather than always "IN" it.

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

It's really that simple. Yet simple is often not easy.

Making a decision sets your course, committing to it demands consistent effort and success follows as the reward for perseverance through challenges and obstacles.

Is This You?

  • Quality Crusader: You're passionate about delivering top-notch services, not just meeting the mark but exceeding it.

  • Desire Positive Impact: The services you provide aren't just transactions; they aim to positively impact your customers' lives.

  • Hard Worker: You believe in the power of hard work, but you're realizing you need to work smarter, not just harder. Because there are only so many hours in a day, right?

  • Beyond the Call: Whether it's perfectionism, selflessly serving others, you're known for going the extra mile.

  • Family First: At the heart of it all, your family is your why – driving you to succeed, not just in business but in life.

Certain things are keeping you up at night.

  • You have an endless to-do-list.

  • Finding the time to make those big dreams a reality is unclear.

  • Quality family time and personal time is getting the short end of the stick.

  • The mountain of work makes keeping your high standards a challenge.

  • Your head's buzzing with ideas and growth plans, but the daily demands keep pushing them back.

You're the kind of entrepreneur who's committed to quality and impact, always striving for excellence in everything you do. Your dedication is admirable, but you also understand the importance of balance – knowing the importance of when to push hard and when to step back and strategize. Although you may need some help with this!

You're looking for ways to build a dream business that aligns with your values & strengths, offers unbeatable value to your customers, and allows you more time with your family.

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place!

"Success in business requires training, discipline, and a good coach."
Bob Proctor

What Is A DREAM Business?

We talk a lot about a "Dream Business" here at Bloomdocking but what is it? It's centered around three pillars which we feel are crucial to any business. Implement and nourish these three pillars and owning a dream business becomes a reality.

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught me invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs create their dream businesses. As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe in the power of bold, aligned decisions and the magic of tapping into one's fullest potential. My approach is all about simplifying complex challenges and identifying patterns that foster growth. Let's embark on this journey together to transform and elevate your business.

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught me invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs create their dream businesses. As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe in the power of bold, aligned decisions and the magic of tapping into one's fullest potential. My approach is all about simplifying complex challenges and identifying patterns that foster growth. Let's embark on this journey together to transform and elevate your business.

Bloomdocking Services

How We Can Help.

SmartShift Starter Pack

Overwhelmed Achiever: Swamped with work but stuck on growth? Let's pivot to working smarter, not harder, and unlock your true potential.

SmartShift Max

Decisive Dreamer: Burdened by too many decisions? We'll cut through the confusion, moving you from paralysis to progress.

Next-Level Accelerator

Visionary Stuck in Place: Clear vision but hitting barriers? Together, we'll break through what's holding you back and turn vision into action.

Free Resources

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Open Up Time: A Guide to Creating More

White Space On Your Daily Calendar

Your go-to guide for reclaiming your precious time as a busy entrepreneur. In this guide, we'll walk you through simple yet effective steps to create more "white space" - open time on your calendar - and regain control over your schedule.

Idea Prioritization Matrix: Simplify and Succeed

Designed for multitasking entrepreneurs, this essential tool cuts through the chaos, helping you pinpoint the high-impact tasks that truly drive business growth, and sidestep the distractions that don't.

Business Strategies, Insights, and Advice

chicken and Oie enjoying a hot tub

The Hot Tub Chronicles: Chicken Farm Success By Knowing Your Numbers

March 19, 20246 min read

So, there I was, soaking in the warm embrace of the hot tub at the local rec center at the crack of dawn—6:15 AM, to be precise. You'd be surprised how much wisdom floats around in those bubbles. This particular morning, I had the pleasure of chatting with two brothers who've dived headfirst into chicken farming in Western Colorado. Picture this: just a year ago, they wouldn't know a hen from a rooster, and now they're running a thriving 300+ chicken operation. Their secret? They really, really know their numbers.

Why Obsess Over Numbers, You Ask?

Let's break it down, folks. Knowing your numbers isn't just some tedious part of business—it's your secret sauce. For our chicken farming heroes, it wasn't about counting chickens before they hatched (sorry, had to). They knew which chickens laid more eggs, how much land each bird needed, and even dreamt up potential profits from selling chicken meat alongside eggs. They've got dreams as big as their land, planning for a future flocking with 1,000 chickens. And to think, all this number crunching started from zero knowledge about poultry one year ago!

The Cool Perks of Knowing Your Numbers

Decision-Making Gets Easier: Just like how our farming duo knew which chickens were top performers, understanding your numbers clears the fog when making business decisions. It's about knowing when to leap and when to hold back.

Your Business Runs Like a Dream: When you're dialed into your operation's numbers, spotting inefficiencies becomes second nature. It's about smoothing out the bumps to make your business glide more smoothly.

Financial Stability: Keeping a keen eye on the financials — from costs to profits — means you're less likely to hit a financial snag. It's all about maintaining that steady flow of cash that keeps the dream alive.

What Happens If You Don’t

What if the 2 farmers hadn’t grasped this crucial aspect of knowing their numbers? Let's dive into the misconceptions that could derail any business and how avoiding these pitfalls set the brothers on a path to success.

Misconception 1: "Estimations Are Good Enough"

Many entrepreneurs think rough estimates will suffice when planning their business. However, not knowing your exact numbers can lead to poor resource allocation. Imagine if the brothers had estimated, rather than accurately calculated, the number of chickens their land could support. They might have overcrowded their farm, leading to unhealthy chickens and a plummet in egg production, or underutilized their space, missing out on potential profits.

Misconception 2: "All Products Are Equally Profitable"

Not knowing which products or services are most profitable can result in focusing on the wrong areas. If the brothers hadn't analyzed egg production rates by breed, they might have invested in a less productive breed, significantly reducing their profitability. This misconception could have led them to pour time and resources into areas with minimal return, hindering their ability to expand or diversify into chicken meat sales.

Misconception 4: "Growth Is Always Good"

It's easy to believe that bigger always means better. Without a clear understanding of their numbers, the brothers might have rushed into expanding their operation beyond what they could manage or what the market could support. This overexpansion could have diluted their efforts, resulting in lower quality products or even financial ruin due to the increased overheads and operational complexities.

The Reality of Not Knowing Your Numbers

Had the brothers fallen prey to these misconceptions, their story could have been one of struggle instead of success. They might have faced financial difficulties, operational inefficiencies, or even business failure. Instead, by knowing their numbers, they strategically navigated through these potential pitfalls. They optimized their farm's capacity, focused on the most profitable breeds, and prepared for market changes, positioning themselves for growth and sustainability.

Where To Start?

If you’re ready to knowing your numbers, you can simply start by asking yourself these key questions:

1. What is my break-even point?

  • This is about understanding the minimum amount of sales you need to cover all your expenses. Asking this helps you gauge the viability of your business model and what you need to achieve to not lose money.

  • For the chicken farmers, their break-even point would be determined by calculating the total costs of running the farm (including feed, utilities, land payments, labor, etc.) against their income from selling eggs and possibly chicken meat.

  • Example: If their monthly costs total $2,000 (including feed, upkeep, and other expenses) and they sell eggs at $3 a dozen, they need to sell around 667 dozen eggs each month to break even ($2,000 / $3 = 666.67).

2. How much am I making on each sale?

  • This question digs into your profit margins. It's crucial because it tells you how much money you're actually making after all costs are accounted for each product or service sold. It highlights which of your offerings are most profitable and which might need a relook.

  • To figure out the profit margin on each dozen eggs sold, the farmers would subtract the cost of producing each dozen from the selling price.

  • Example: If it costs $1.50 to produce a dozen eggs (accounting for feed, care, etc.) and they sell them for $3 a dozen, their profit per dozen is $1.50. This simple calculation shows the profitability of each unit sold and helps them understand which products (egg types or chicken breeds) are more profitable.

3. Where is my money going?

  • This question encourages you to track your expenses and understand where every dollar is being spent. It helps identify areas where you might be overspending or opportunities to cut costs and increase your profitability.

  • This question requires the farmers to track their expenses meticulously. By knowing exactly where their money is going, they can identify potential savings or areas needing more investment.

  • Example: After reviewing their expenses, the farmers might notice they're spending a significant amount on a particular type of chicken feed that's not yielding a higher egg production rate to justify the cost. They could then explore switching to a less expensive feed or negotiating better prices with suppliers.

By asking yourself these questions regularly, you start to build a clearer picture of your financial health and can make more informed decisions for your business. It's a straightforward approach that can lead to powerful insights.

From Hot Tub Tales to Business Success

That early morning hot tub wisdom goes to show you can find inspiration in the most unexpected places. The journey of these brothers is a rallying cry for any entrepreneur. Start by pinpointing the metrics that matter to your biz. Keep a close eye, adapt, and let those insights fuel your decisions.

Whether you're scribbling numbers on napkins or tapping away at spreadsheets, embrace the power of data. Let it light up the path to success, guiding your every move in the business dance. So next time you're soaking in a hot tub, remember: it's not just about relaxation, it's a potential goldmine of insights waiting to bubble up to the surface. Dive deep into your numbers, and who knows what success stories you'll hatch!

tipsadviceprofit marginbreakeven cost
Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

Oie Dobier

Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

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