We help entrepreneurs create more capacity in their day-to-day so they can focus on what truly matters.


We help solopreneurs and small business owners build their dream business by mastering the art of working "ON" their business rather than always "IN" it.

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

It's really that simple. Yet simple is often not easy.

Making a decision sets your course, committing to it demands consistent effort and success follows as the reward for perseverance through challenges and obstacles.

Is This You?

  • Quality Crusader: You're passionate about delivering top-notch services, not just meeting the mark but exceeding it.

  • Desire Positive Impact: The services you provide aren't just transactions; they aim to positively impact your customers' lives.

  • Hard Worker: You believe in the power of hard work, but you're realizing you need to work smarter, not just harder. Because there are only so many hours in a day, right?

  • Beyond the Call: Whether it's perfectionism, selflessly serving others, you're known for going the extra mile.

  • Family First: At the heart of it all, your family is your why – driving you to succeed, not just in business but in life.

Certain things are keeping you up at night.

  • You have an endless to-do-list.

  • Finding the time to make those big dreams a reality is unclear.

  • Quality family time and personal time is getting the short end of the stick.

  • The mountain of work makes keeping your high standards a challenge.

  • Your head's buzzing with ideas and growth plans, but the daily demands keep pushing them back.

Committed to Quality and Impact

You always strive for excellence and delivering real value. But you also know balance is key - when to push hard and when to step back.

Yet you may need some help with this!

Your Vision Drives You

You want to be a true business owner, building a business that’s sustainable, scalable, and doesn’t need your constant involvement.

That’s what we call a dream business.

What You're Striving For

  • Focusing more on strategy

  • Delegating tasks effectively

  • Creating systems that allow your business to run smoothly

  • Achieving the personal freedom you deserve

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place!

Every Dream Business Needs a Foundation

Key components are essential to long-term success. Smart strategies bring these together, helping you stay focused and driving lasting results... so you can reclaim your time and energy by working smarter, not harder.

"Success in business requires training, discipline, and a good coach."
Bob Proctor

What Is A DREAM Business?

We talk a lot about a "Dream Business" here at Bloomdocking but what is it? It's centered around three pillars which we feel are crucial to any business. Implement and nourish these three pillars and owning a dream business becomes a reality.

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understaning of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught mew invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs get what they want from their business and... life!

As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe anything is possible and nothing is off the table.. No dream is too big or too crazy. The key question that I always ask myself and my clients is - "How CAN you make it happen?" Let's embark on this journey together to gain the freedom you desire!

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught me invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs create their dream businesses. As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe in the power of bold, aligned decisions and the magic of tapping into one's fullest potential. My approach is all about simplifying complex challenges and identifying patterns that foster growth. Let's embark on this journey together to transform and elevate your business.

Bloomdocking Services

How We Can Help.

SmartShift Starter Pack

Overwhelmed Achiever: Swamped with work but stuck on growth? Let's pivot to working smarter, not harder, and unlock your true potential.

SmartShift Max

Decisive Dreamer: Burdened by too many decisions? We'll cut through the confusion, moving you from paralysis to progress.

Next-Level Accelerator

Visionary Stuck in Place: Clear vision but hitting barriers? Together, we'll break through what's holding you back and turn vision into action.

Free Resources

Start Making Changes Today

Open Up Time: A Guide to Creating More

White Space On Your Daily Calendar

Your go-to guide for reclaiming your precious time as a busy entrepreneur. In this guide, we'll walk you through simple yet effective steps to create more "white space" - open time on your calendar - and regain control over your schedule.

Idea Prioritization Matrix: Simplify and Succeed

Designed for multitasking entrepreneurs, this essential tool cuts through the chaos, helping you pinpoint the high-impact tasks that truly drive business growth, and sidestep the distractions that don't.

Business Strategies, Insights, and Advice

repetitive dollar signs with a go button to represent automation

5 Simple Ways to Gain Repeat Business (and How Automation Can Help)

September 13, 20246 min read

In the world of business, attracting new customers can be time-consuming and expensive. But did you know that gaining repeat business from your existing customers is often much easier—and more profitable? Yet, many businesses overlook simple strategies to re-engage past clients and maintain relationships with current ones. If you want to increase your repeat business without reinventing the wheel, you should focus on these five low-effort yet high-value strategies that you can implement right now. Even better, automation can make these processes even more effective and scalable!

Let’s dive into five simple ways you can boost repeat business and how automation can help you achieve this with minimal effort.

1. Send Newsletters Featuring Current Customer Experiences

A powerful way to stay top of mind and showcase the value you bring is through newsletters. But not just any newsletters, ones that highlight the experiences and benefits your current customers are receiving by working with you. This subtle approach shows potential ways they can re-engage with your business while reinforcing the satisfaction you bring to others.

Why It’s Often Overlooked: Many businesses fail to leverage newsletters because they feel generic or time-consuming to create. However, using real-life success stories makes them highly relatable and compelling.

How Automation Can Help: Automation tools can streamline the process by scheduling newsletters at the optimal time and automatically pulling in customer testimonials or success stories. This makes your newsletters feel fresh and relevant, keeping your brand top of mind without requiring constant manual updates. You can also segment your audience, sending personalized content to different customer groups.

2. Create a Re-engagement Strategy for Past Customers

A well-thought-out re-engagement strategy is key to reconnecting with customers who haven’t interacted with your business in a while. Whether they’ve purchased from you once or have been dormant for a few months, re-engaging these customers through personalized outreach can reignite their interest. This can be done through a variety of methods - personalized emails, text messages, or even targeted ads.

Why It’s Often Overlooked: Businesses often focus so much on acquiring new customers that they forget the potential in their existing base. Past customers already know your value, which means they need less convincing to return.

How Automation Can Help: Automation allows you to set up sequences that are triggered after a period of inactivity. Whether it’s 30, 60, or 90 days, automated re-engagement emails, text messages, or even targeted ads can go out at the right time, reminding customers of the value you offer and encouraging them to re-engage—without you needing to lift a finger.

3. Set Up a Loyalty Program to Reward Returning Customers

Loyalty programs are not only for big corporations. A simple rewards program can make a significant difference in encouraging repeat business. Whether you offer discounts, special offers, or exclusive services, customers will appreciate the extra perks and are more likely to return.

Why It’s Often Overlooked: Small businesses may assume loyalty programs are complex or only suitable for large retail chains, but they can be as simple as sending exclusive offers via email or rewarding points for repeat purchases.

How Automation Can Help: AAutomation platforms can handle all the logistics, from tracking points to sending personalized rewards. You can automate everything from point collection to sending updates on available rewards, ensuring a seamless experience that keeps customers engaged without the need for manual management.

4. Leverage Customer Feedback to Offer Upsells or Cross-Sells

After your customer completes a transaction, don’t let that be the end of the conversation. Send automated follow-up emails asking for feedback. Based on their response, you can identify areas where you can upsell or cross-sell your services. If a customer is happy, offer complementary services. If they have a concern, resolving it promptly can strengthen the relationship and encourage them to return.

Why It’s Often Overlooked: Many businesses collect feedback but fail to act on it. This is a missed opportunity to nurture the relationship further.

How Automation Can Help: With automation tools, you can set up post-purchase surveys or feedback forms that trigger personalized follow-up actions. For instance, a satisfied customer could immediately receive a recommendation for a complementary product, while a dissatisfied customer could be routed to customer service for issue resolution, keeping the relationship strong.

5. Personalize Your Communication Using Customer Data

One-size-fits-all communication is a thing of the past. Today’s customers expect personalized interactions, whether through email, social media, or direct outreach. Using the data you’ve collected on their past purchases and preferences, you can tailor your communication to reflect their specific needs and interests. This not only makes your business stand out but also strengthens the emotional connection between you and your customer.

Why It’s Often Overlooked: Personalization can seem time-consuming without the right tools, and many businesses don’t know where to begin.

How Automation Can Help: Automation platforms can use data to send personalized emails, social media messages, or SMS campaigns tailored to each customer. You can automate recommendations, special offers, or reminders based on their purchase history or preferences, ensuring that your communications feel personal, even at scale.

Why Automation is Key to Success

Automation doesn’t just save time, it ensures consistency, accuracy, and a personalized touch, even as your customer base grows. By automating these five strategies, you can nurture relationships without the constant manual effort, ensuring that you stay top of mind and continuously deliver value to your customers.

The Question Queen 👑

As the Question Queen, I’m here to help you think about areas in your business where you might be missing opportunities to work smarter, not harder. It’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks or focusing on new clients and overlook the questions that could open up more revenue and long-term success. Let’s take a moment to reflect on your current approach with a few key questions:

  1. When was the last time you showcased your customers’ success stories? Sharing real-life examples of how your customers benefit from your services can inspire others to re-engage.

  2. Do you have a system in place to re-engage past customers? If someone hasn’t interacted with your business in months, how are you reminding them of the value you provide?

  3. Are you offering personalized, relevant communications based on customer data? Tailored messaging can reignite interest and show your customers that you understand their unique needs.

  4. How easy is it for your customers to come back? Do they feel rewarded or incentivized to choose you again?

  5. What are you currently automating to make this process seamless? Automation can save you time and effort while nurturing customer relationships without manual follow-up.

These questions will help you uncover gaps in your current strategy and highlight areas where you can make small tweaks to generate big results.

The One Thing ⬇️

If you could only choose one thing to focus on right now to increase repeat business, it would be to leverage automation for personalized, consistent re-engagement. Too often, businesses get bogged down in acquiring new customers and forget about the value sitting right in front of them—past clients who already know and trust you. With automation tools, you can stay top of mind, build stronger relationships, and bring customers back effortlessly.

So, don’t wait—set up automated systems that keep the conversation going, even after the sale.

Ready to implement these simple yet powerful strategies and watch your repeat business grow? Set up a discovery call today, and let's explore how automation can make your customer retention strategies effortless and highly effective.

advicetipsexisting customersincrease revenueAutomationefficiencycapacityrepeat business
Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

Oie Dobier

Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

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Imagine having a speaker who brings a mix of real-life business knowledge, a big dash of inspiration, and a whole lot of practical strategies to your next event.

That's me!

With over 25 years speaking in corporate settings and inspiring future entrepreneurs, I know a thing or two about connecting to and engaging a crowd.

My talks?

They're not just speeches - they're like sitting down with a good friend who's been there and done it. Someone who is excited to share all the insider tips, mindset modifiers, and business strategies needed to grow as a person and as a business owner.

Whether you're a pro in the biz world or just starting out, I promise to make our time together not only memorable but also packed with insights you can actually use. So, ready to spice up your event? Let's chat!

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