We help entrepreneurs create more capacity in their day-to-day so they can focus on what truly matters.


We help solopreneurs and small business owners build their dream business by mastering the art of working "ON" their business rather than always "IN" it.

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

It's really that simple. Yet simple is often not easy.

Making a decision sets your course, committing to it demands consistent effort and success follows as the reward for perseverance through challenges and obstacles.

Is This You?

  • Quality Crusader: You're passionate about delivering top-notch services, not just meeting the mark but exceeding it.

  • Desire Positive Impact: The services you provide aren't just transactions; they aim to positively impact your customers' lives.

  • Hard Worker: You believe in the power of hard work, but you're realizing you need to work smarter, not just harder. Because there are only so many hours in a day, right?

  • Beyond the Call: Whether it's perfectionism, selflessly serving others, you're known for going the extra mile.

  • Family First: At the heart of it all, your family is your why – driving you to succeed, not just in business but in life.

Certain things are keeping you up at night.

  • You have an endless to-do-list.

  • Finding the time to make those big dreams a reality is unclear.

  • Quality family time and personal time is getting the short end of the stick.

  • The mountain of work makes keeping your high standards a challenge.

  • Your head's buzzing with ideas and growth plans, but the daily demands keep pushing them back.

Committed to Quality and Impact

You always strive for excellence and delivering real value. But you also know balance is key - when to push hard and when to step back.

Yet you may need some help with this!

Your Vision Drives You

You want to be a true business owner, building a business that’s sustainable, scalable, and doesn’t need your constant involvement.

That’s what we call a dream business.

What You're Striving For

  • Focusing more on strategy

  • Delegating tasks effectively

  • Creating systems that allow your business to run smoothly

  • Achieving the personal freedom you deserve

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place!

Every Dream Business Needs a Foundation

Key components are essential to long-term success. Smart strategies bring these together, helping you stay focused and driving lasting results... so you can reclaim your time and energy by working smarter, not harder.

"Success in business requires training, discipline, and a good coach."
Bob Proctor

What Is A DREAM Business?

We talk a lot about a "Dream Business" here at Bloomdocking but what is it? It's centered around three pillars which we feel are crucial to any business. Implement and nourish these three pillars and owning a dream business becomes a reality.

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understaning of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught mew invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs get what they want from their business and... life!

As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe anything is possible and nothing is off the table.. No dream is too big or too crazy. The key question that I always ask myself and my clients is - "How CAN you make it happen?" Let's embark on this journey together to gain the freedom you desire!

Hey there! I'm Oie.

With over 25 years of experience in strategic planning and implementing the strategies for Fortune 500 companies, I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of what drives business success.

This journey has been filled with challenges and rewarding experiences, working alongside business leaders and their teams to unlock their full potential. However, the true turning point in my career came when I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

My own ventures into starting businesses taught me invaluable lessons and led me to a profound realization: my passion lies in helping fellow entrepreneurs create their dream businesses. As a certified business coach, I blend this extensive corporate experience with a personal, entrepreneurial perspective to offer unique and effective coaching.

I believe in the power of bold, aligned decisions and the magic of tapping into one's fullest potential. My approach is all about simplifying complex challenges and identifying patterns that foster growth. Let's embark on this journey together to transform and elevate your business.

Bloomdocking Services

How We Can Help.

SmartShift Starter Pack

Overwhelmed Achiever: Swamped with work but stuck on growth? Let's pivot to working smarter, not harder, and unlock your true potential.

SmartShift Max

Decisive Dreamer: Burdened by too many decisions? We'll cut through the confusion, moving you from paralysis to progress.

Next-Level Accelerator

Visionary Stuck in Place: Clear vision but hitting barriers? Together, we'll break through what's holding you back and turn vision into action.

Free Resources

Start Making Changes Today

Open Up Time: A Guide to Creating More

White Space On Your Daily Calendar

Your go-to guide for reclaiming your precious time as a busy entrepreneur. In this guide, we'll walk you through simple yet effective steps to create more "white space" - open time on your calendar - and regain control over your schedule.

Idea Prioritization Matrix: Simplify and Succeed

Designed for multitasking entrepreneurs, this essential tool cuts through the chaos, helping you pinpoint the high-impact tasks that truly drive business growth, and sidestep the distractions that don't.

Business Strategies, Insights, and Advice

a small ripple in the water vs. a tsunami wave

Where Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

August 29, 20245 min read

Every business, no matter how successful, is leaving money on the table somewhere. The question is - do you know where?

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily whirlwind of running a business: juggling customer demands, managing employees, and making sure operations run smoothly. But in the midst of all this, it’s likely that you’re missing opportunities to maximize revenue. Maybe you’ve noticed that some clients never come back, or perhaps your leads seem to disappear into thin air without ever converting. You know there’s untapped potential, but finding it feels like trying to hit a moving target.

So, where exactly are you leaving money on the table? Let’s dive into some common areas where businesses often miss out on revenue and how to plug those gaps.

What’s Causing the Revenue Leak?

  1. Missed Repeat Business: One of the most overlooked sources of revenue comes from existing customers. Are you staying top of mind for your clients after the sale? Do you have a system in place to ensure repeat purchases? Repeat business is often more profitable than acquiring new customers, yet many businesses neglect it. Whether it’s a lack of follow-up or a failure to maintain relationships, missing out on repeat business can be a major drain on potential income.

  2. Leads that Go Cold: How many times have you generated interest from a potential client but never followed up? It's easy to focus on generating new leads, but what happens to the leads you’ve already acquired? If you're not actively nurturing them, they’re slipping away. Slow follow-up or, worse, no follow-up at all is one of the biggest reasons businesses miss out on closing deals.

  3. Slow Deal Closures: Closing a deal is often the most critical (and challenging) part of the sales process. If your deal closures are slow, money is being left on the table. Slow closures can happen due to unclear communication, inefficient processes, or simply because the prospect wasn’t given a compelling reason to act fast. If you’re not closing deals quickly, you’re also likely facing cash flow issues and missed opportunities to scale your business.

Why Is This Happening?

So, why does this happen? Why do businesses leave so much money on the table? The truth is, it usually boils down to two things:

  1. The Busyness Trap: Entrepreneurs are busy—constantly. The daily grind often focuses on putting out fires and handling urgent tasks rather than refining processes and maximizing profitability. You might know that follow-up and nurturing leads are important, but they often fall by the wayside when you’re buried under more pressing demands.

  2. Weak Processes: Without solid systems in place, things slip through the cracks. Leads get lost, follow-up is inconsistent, and repeat business isn’t prioritized. You need strong processes to ensure that every opportunity is seized and maximized, but when processes are weak, money leaks out of your business at every stage.

The Cost of Ignoring This Question

If you don’t take the time to identify where you’re leaving money on the table, the consequences can be severe. You’ll continue to miss out on revenue, leading to stunted growth, cash flow issues, and increased pressure to constantly bring in new business to make up for the losses. Over time, this can create a cycle of stagnation, where your business fails to scale because you’re not capitalizing on the low-hanging fruit that’s already within reach. It’s not just about increasing sales; it’s about maximizing the value of what you’ve already built.

How to Stop Leaving Money on the Table

Here are three practical steps to start capturing that missing revenue:

  1. Automate Your Follow-Up: The biggest reason leads go cold is that they aren’t followed up with consistently. Automation tools can be a game-changer here. Use CRM systems or email marketing software to set up automatic follow-up sequences. This ensures that no lead slips through the cracks, even when you’re busy. Every lead should receive a personalized follow-up message within 24 hours of initial contact, with a series of scheduled touchpoints thereafter. We use our Custo platform for this and what it can do is pretty amazing and has really helped us in this area.

  2. Create a Customer Retention Strategy: To capitalize on repeat business, you need a clear strategy for customer retention. Implement a loyalty program, offer exclusive deals to returning customers, or send personalized messages to remind them of your services. The key is to stay top of mind and make it easy for customers to come back. Remember, it’s much easier to sell to an existing customer than to convert a new one.

  3. Tighten Your Sales Process: Review your sales process to identify any bottlenecks that slow down deal closures. Are there unnecessary steps that create friction for prospects? Could you streamline your communications? Consider offering limited-time incentives to encourage faster decisions. The goal is to make it as easy and compelling as possible for your leads to say “yes” and close the deal.

The One Thing ⬇️

If you don’t know where you’re leaving money on the table, you’re leaving your business's growth up to chance. Taking the time to identify where you’re missing out on revenue - and implementing systems to close those gaps - can have a HUGE impact on your bottom line! Focus on automating your follow-up, building customer loyalty, and tightening your sales process to ensure that you’re maximizing every opportunity. The revenue you need to grow might already be within your grasp - you just need to capture it.

And remember, as the Question Queen, I’m known for asking really good questions that help you zero in on exactly where you’re leaving money on the table. So ask yourself:

  • How many sales opportunities have you let slip by because you didn’t follow up in time?

  • Are you fully leveraging your existing customers, or are you constantly chasing new business at the expense of the relationships you’ve already built?

  • What would an extra 30% in revenue mean for your business and how close are you to making that a reality?

The answers to these questions could be the key to unlocking your business’s untapped potential. If you're ready to stop leaving money on the table and take action, let's chat.

Schedule a free discovery call to uncover where your business can grow and how we can work together to maximize your opportunities. The money is there - let’s go find it!

advicetipsexisting customersincrease revenue
Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

Oie Dobier

Owner and Business Coach of Bloomdocking

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Imagine having a speaker who brings a mix of real-life business knowledge, a big dash of inspiration, and a whole lot of practical strategies to your next event.

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With over 25 years speaking in corporate settings and inspiring future entrepreneurs, I know a thing or two about connecting to and engaging a crowd.

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They're not just speeches - they're like sitting down with a good friend who's been there and done it. Someone who is excited to share all the insider tips, mindset modifiers, and business strategies needed to grow as a person and as a business owner.

Whether you're a pro in the biz world or just starting out, I promise to make our time together not only memorable but also packed with insights you can actually use. So, ready to spice up your event? Let's chat!

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